30 September 2009



...and I wrote a poem in class yesterday.


28 September 2009

i am trying to organize it

fibers crit space

A slight glimpse into a piece I am working on right now. I am trying to highlight the inherent qualities of the wall and let them instruct my ideas, in collaboration with my visual language, to create a compositionally comfortable piece. Sounds like a mouthful but it really isn't. I am adorning the wall, giving it beauty and a little bit of humor. I am using this wall as a site for a visual puzzle.

The first step was highlighting the holes in the wall that were preexisting in a way I saw most fit. This created its own pattern because of people's tendencies to pin their work in certain places. The next step was to layer my own self realized printed layer of hand drawn lines. This is playing with translucency and the idea that I wanted to display my printed design without disregarding how it communicates with what existed in its place originally. (so far it is said to look "beautiful")
My next step in this piece is to give the plug fixture purpose. (this could potentially be the angst or humor)

This was all just a puzzle I created for myself. I am trying to organize my ideas and solve it in a way that is comfortable for me.

Rule1: consider everything (in terms of the 'bigger picture')
Rule2: keep it quiet (so as not to let any of the elements overpower each other with their possibly different emotions)

23 September 2009

new work space

So, I have been afforded a great new home to work in. This cubical is bare now but the walls will quickly be covered in fabrics and prints. Just you wait. I am very excited.


20 September 2009

reintroduce text


Warily creating a label, I suppose.

I am developing a personal vocabulary to talk about art work and my intent with it.

I feel like a child, starting at the beginning, even though I know at the core they are all just words. I want it to be clear, though, that the art has its own vocabulary that is worth more than words.

I wrote this recently and stuck it on the wall of my studio.

"Art is a religion. Religion is just a word."

I think that sums it up.

Here is my in progress brainstorm. So far there are only two categories in my vocabulary. Space. and... Portrait. These lists are not necessarily synonyms but they are synonymous in my head....See what I mean...

Space: installation, organization, "the bigger picture", systems, reactionary, primary, choice, society, objective, sterilized, balance, repetition, units, angular, simple, large scale, industrial, relatable, universal, formal, considered, cohesive, limited elements, rules, regulations, games, control, us, surface, body

Portrait: quiet, image, figure, personal, memory, feminine, organic, precious, relative, narrative, relationship, domestic, growth, familiar, individual, singular, focused, comfortable, humane, story, free-form, me, emotive, depth, mind, decoration, delicate, interaction, civilization, selfish, secondary, me

Similar: line, symbol, personality, medium, reality, purpose

15 September 2009

11 September 2009